
About me

Welcome to Kandyprintshop. I’m Andy, a printmaker, graphic designer and illustrator living in London. I started printmaking seriously in 2014 in an attempt to re-engage with a more hands-on art practice. I started life drawing classes alongside experiments with linocut printing – usually centred around bespoke hand lettering or typography. After some faltering first steps using dodgy equipment (often resulting in bloody fingers) I eventually discovered a zen-like enjoyment in all aspects of the printmaking process.

My process

My prints always start with an intial pencil scribble in a sketchbook. I then dig in further and develop the sketch, enlarging it and redrawing as I go. If I think the idea has further merit, I’ll transfer the ‘final’ drawing onto the computer and refine over the course of several iterations and also start colour experiments. Once I am happy, I’ll print out a flipped version of the final design and transfer it onto the lino prior to cutting.

The resulting prints are sometimes sold as limited run hand-printed originals OR I use them as a base on which to create colourful giclee digital prints (both of which are available on the site).

If you’re interested in commissioning a print or a creative collaboration, please drop me a line.